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Acupuncture for Pregnancy

Whether you've conceived naturally or through assisted methods, acupuncture can support your pregnancy in several ways and is completely safe to use at every stage. It’s important to note that certain points are contraindicated during pregnancy, and a fully licensed acupuncturist, ideally with additional training in pregnancy acupuncture (which I have!), will be aware of these.

How can acupuncture support my pregnancy?

First and Second Trimester

  • ​Acupuncture can help manage symptoms such as physical pain, hyperemesis (excessive nausea and vomiting), low mood, and mood swings. While these symptoms often ease in the second trimester, acupuncture can continue to be beneficial for those who experience persistent discomfort, especially when medication options are limited.

Third Trimester and Labour Preparation

  • Research suggests that consistent treatment, particularly in the third trimester, may lead to a shorter labour and reduce the need for pain relief or medical induction.

General Wellbeing:

  • Throughout pregnancy, acupuncture helps maintain general health and wellbeing, and regulates the nervous system, providing ongoing support.

Labour Induction 

  • If you've passed your due date, a concentrated burst of treatments (e.g., 2-3 sessions within a week) can support labour induction, provided there are no contraindications.

Breech Position

  • Acupuncture, combined with moxibustion, has been widely used to turn breech babies, again within the safe parameters outlined by the British Acupuncture Council.

Fourth Trimester

  • The postnatal period is a significant transition, not just for your baby, but for you as well. In Chinese Medicine, the mother’s wellbeing and transition into motherhood are prioritised. During this time, acupuncture treatments will focus on supporting your hormonal and mental health, physical recovery, and providing specific dietary advice to speed up your recovery. And, of course, your little one is always welcome to attend your appointment with you.

Having worked in obstetric departments and attended many deliveries as a paediatric doctor, I’ve learned that despite the best-laid plans, your baby might have ideas of their own! I’ll be here to support you throughout these nine months and beyond, no matter how your journey unfolds.

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