How can acupuncture help my child?
Acupuncture for children focuses on their unique "constitution," helping to bring balance and strengthen their foundations to address the root causes of issues.
Throughout childhood, acupuncture can be used to boost immunity and regulate the nervous system.
It is particularly beneficial for chronic conditions such as constipation, recurrent coughs and colds, allergies, eczema, hay fever, secondary enuresis (bedwetting after being dry), and for supporting mental health.
For older children and teenagers, acupuncture can assist with the transition through puberty and address menstrual health issues.
Paediatric treatments differ from adult treatments in a few key ways. A child’s Qi, or energy, is much more reactive than an adult’s, meaning fewer needles are used for a shorter period, resulting in an overall shorter treatment. Typically, the thinnest needles (0.20mm) are used, and other methods such as silicone cupping, gentle gua sha, and moxibustion may be employed to enhance the treatment or as alternatives to needles, especially during the first sessions as your child gets used to the process.
All paediatric patients must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian during treatment, and at no point will a child be forced to undergo treatment. As a paediatric doctor by background, treating children with acupuncture is a privilege I take very seriously and I ensure your child’s safety and comfort are always prioritised.